Kinks & Coffee ft. Lina Bitchakova

Kinks & Coffee
9 min readMar 21, 2021

Hello beautiful people! I hope you are all holding up well in the continued pandemic pandemonium. As I write this, it has now been over a year since COVID-19 changed daily life for us all. While there are many things I have been able to adapt to, the lack of social interactions has not gotten easier for me since I’m a highly extroverted individual. Although nothing beats in-person connectivity in my opinion, virtual engagement options have definitely helped me maintain some of my sanity. Up until this blog interview, I had been able to meet each of my participants in person for a coffee chat. When Lina and I were scheduling our chat, the province of Ontario had just announced new lockdown restrictions which forced us to go online instead. Fortunately, I did get the brief chance to meet Lina in-person before our virtual coffee chat on a day that I visited Wicked Wanda’s shop in downtown Ottawa. She was there promoting a new line of lube products part of her natural sensual cosmetics brand UNAKED. Lina is a true people person as well, and I picked that up right away. She was super warm and kind, and very open to the idea of being featured in my blog series and sharing more of her knowledge about the use of cannabis for wellness and pleasure.

Lina is the founder and chief herbologist of UNAKED. She also has an extensive background in the industry of finance, and describes herself as an Ecom Girl Boss. I met with Lina on Google Chat over lunch one day to better understand her journey from finance to natural wellness, and her perspective on the benefits of cannabis use for sexual enjoyment and exploration.

Lina Bitchakova — Founder & Herbologist in Chief of UNKAED

Natalia: It’s great to see you again Lina, even though it’s through a screen! How have you been holding up with pandemic restrictions?

Lina: I’m managing to keep my mind busy by having lots of online conversations. That being said, I am definitely craving being in different environments. When I desperately want to be somewhere other than my house, I will just go to my car.

Natalia: You will get in your car and drive somewhere?

Lina: No, I will just go to my car and sit and drink my coffee there (haha)!

Natalia: I see (haha)! I can understand how sitting in your car can give you a sense of peace and simple change of scenery. Now, I understand that you were previously in the financial industry before moving into wellness. Can you tell me a little bit about that transition?

Lina: Yes, by trade I am an investment advisor. Before I founded UNAKED, I worked in a challenging environment that involved long-hours and a fast paced lifestyle. I realized I was burning myself out when I was forced to take time off for health reasons. I loved my career, but having a panic attack before a client meeting is a clear sign that something is wrong. I needed to take a break from the industry altogether. I started exploring different ways of integrating self-care routines into my lifestyle. I was experimenting with botanical extracts after reading an article about the benefits of plants and decided to incorporate extracts of cannabis sativa into my formula. I discovered that it helped soothe my skin and restored my glow. I incorporated essential oils and hemp CBD into my massage oil as well. The result was an amazing night of sleep. I then took family recipes and jazzed them up. My mom started using my oils as well. Friends started coming to me and asking: “Could you make me bath bombs? Body cream? Face Masks?” I began applying my knowledge of essential oils and their properties to expand my product line. Vanilla, for example, is a strong aphrodisiac but it’s also anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory — so there are many possible applications. All of my products are plant-based or natural as I believe we put way too many chemicals on our bodies. The company just started growing organically in this way.

Natalia: It sounds like you’re very careful with what ingredients you select for your products. Where does this knowledge come from?

Lina: I grew up in Bulgaria and spent most of my time as a young child in nature among flowers and trees. It is common in my family to choose holistic medicine before western medicine. Don’t get me wrong, I completely believe in the need for western medicine! I simply prefer to try natural options first when I am unwell. In my family, there are herbal treatments that have been passed down for generations by Bulgarian women. I use these recipes as a foundation for my products and I’ve enhanced many of them with hemp derived CBD oil.

Natalia: I’ve never used cannabis topically and I am curious to hear more! First, can you explain how you developed your knowledge of cannabis specifically?

Lina: I have had a particular interest in the Cannabis industry and have been following the evolution of the budding industry for quite awhile. First as an investor and now as an entrepreneur. In the past two years I have fully immersed myself in the industry beginning with taking courses at Durham College in their Cannabis for Business Professional Program. Understanding the industry opened up a lot of business opportunities that are closely aligned with my goal of helping people feel better about themselves. The subject is fascinating. I can talk for hours about the plant and it’s interaction with our body but we might have to take an extra long lunch! I realize that lately cannabis and hemp have been presented as panacea for all kinds of conditions and to some it might sound as the next fad and we are still dealing with negative perceptions and the Reefer Madness stigma. The lack of understanding and education on how the plant interacts with our bodies is making the business a bit more challenging but oh so fun. Did you know that you can use the whole plant from seed to root and the various parts have different effects on us? Why? Because we have an endocannabinoid system that interacts with the chemical compounds contained in the plant. In addition to the main compounds THC and CBD Cannabis contains over 180 different cannabinoids that bind with receptors in our bodies. Our skin specifically has its own endocannabinoid receptors that bind with the botanical extracts as the oil penetrates the skin and CBD can go directly to where you have inflammation. Clients report that they experience a soothing effect for muscle pain, skin irritation, acne and overall feeling of relaxation.

Natalia: When did you start integrating cannabis into your products?

Lina: It started with my orgasm oil line, O!, which I created out of my own curiosity. I really loved the sensation that the hemp extract in the lube gave me. I shared it with some friends and asked them: “Is it just me, or do you get a bit of a nice tingle as well?” Our vagina is a mucus and when it absorbs the hemp extracts, you get a bit of an added oomph. There are some really interesting academic studies happening in California testing the effectiveness of cannabis in lubes to increase the intensity of pleasure among women. The anti-inflammatory components help you relax, which can especially help people who experience pain during sex. Academics are even testing CBD infused tampons to help women with menstrual discomfort. I should mention that I also use aphrodisiac essential oils that turn on your senses and enhance sexual pleasure by creating a whole sensory experience.

UNAKED’s Orgasm Oil, O!

Natalia: Very interesting! I can be cautious experimenting with cannabis as I have had some negative reactions in the past, but this has been with oral consumption of cannabis and not topical applications.

Lina: If you ever want to discuss the different ways you can incorporate the plant in your lifestyle, I’m happy to help you navigate the different products offered! It’s my passion. UNAKED is only part of my multi-facetted entrepreneurial nature. It has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in an industry I feel strongly about and provides me with the opportunity to educate people and break stigmas that are overall affecting our physical and mental wellbeing. At the end of the day, my whole strategy is to make women feel good. UNAKED gives me the opportunity and a platform to connect with wonderful boss babes and develop a synergetic business ecosystem that has a social consciousness where we can grow and evolve professionally while still having fun. Before COVID-19 hit, I was hoping to do a UNAKED pool party with a massage therapist, botox treatments, an opportunity for different retailers to feature their offers, music and more! I wanted it to be an opportunity for women to come together, get loose, talk about beauty, wellness, and sexuality in an accepting and non-judgement space.

Natalia: Do you find it easy to engage in discussion with women about these topics?

Lina: I find that most women are very approachable when you want to talk to them about cosmetics, but they tend to be sensitive when we talk about sensuality and sexuality. UNAKED allows me to enter into conversations with women first about cosmetics and gently explore other areas of care — but the jump is not always easy to make. Society puts women on a pedestal. We’re expected to be the virgin, the angel, the mother, etc. If you step outside that frame, you risk being labelled and this can have an impact on your career, your relationships with family and friends. I feel that’s a large reason for why women are so cautious opening up about our sexuality. Since Wicked Wanda’s shop has started carrying UNAKED line, I’ve had the opportunity to connect to the clientele and use my interactions to understand their needs better and get the opportunity to discuss sensuality and sexuality in a non-threatening way. These interactions have given me great insight that I will be using in developing my brand while giving a spotlight to local gems like Wicked Wanda’s.

Natalia: How is it that you’ve gained the confidence to talk about your sexuality without fear?

Lina: My mom gave me a basic sex education, but it was still shameful to talk about in the open. I wasn’t encouraged to ask questions about sex, and that put me in a difficult situation when I experienced sexual harassment and I didn’t feel permitted to share it. As an adult, I’ve received therapy to help me process this trauma. I’ve come to realize how common it is for women to put their sexual trauma in a box and ignore it, which ends up affecting their lives in negative ways and impacting their partners. The most important thing is effective communication about our problems so that we can resolve them. I try to lead by example, and fortunately I have the people skills to help me.

Natalia: Like you, I’m a natural born communicator but I would say that I haven’t always been a strong communicator in the bedroom. I’ve significantly improved this skill in the last two years and exercise it more confidently. What is your advice for women on this?

Lina: First and foremost, you have to be open with yourself about your desires. Admit that you have that fantasy, be kind and tell yourself that it’s okay. Then, you have to communicate it to your partner, and that can be scary but it will tell you a lot about whether you’re with the right person. You’ll know if you don’t feel judged and if there is a possibility for them to evolve and work with you.

Natalia: That’s great insight to end on. Thank you so much for chatting with me Lina and I cannot wait to try your lube! Also, please invite me to your UNAKED future pool party because it sounds like an absolute blast.

Lina: Of course! As soon as the pandemic is over!


To explore Lina’s full collection of sensual cosmetics, visit or follow her on Instagram: @unakedcosmetics

You can follow me on Instagram @kinksandcoffee for more stories about women’s sexuality, empowerment and wellness.



Kinks & Coffee

Exploring the relationship between women’s sexual and mental wellness through creative means. Based in Ottawa.